Hey CinemaJaw fans, we will be at C2E2 THIS WEEKEND at McCormick Place in Chicago. Find us at booth Q17! Super Dooper! Comic book movies are often only thought of as the summer blockbuster fare. [...]
Lets get Mid West! This week on CinemaJaw we stay close to home (but outside of Chicago) as we cover our favorite Midwestern films (NOT Chicago Films, since we have covered that a bunch). Aside [...]
Welcome to the internet! Since the late 80’s the internet has rapidly turned into an indispensable part of our daily lives. From Chat rooms to email, to social media and mobile. Who could [...]
Function is the key. Here on the Jaw Matt and Ry tend to argue. Throw in Eliaz who randomly chooses a side and our little family is not what you would exactly call nuclear. As it turns out, most [...]