This is the little film that went into the 2015 Sundance Film Festival as a complete unknown and came out as a certified hit and Oscar hopeful. This well written dramedy centers on 3 high school students, two of which are best friends and another who is diagnosed with cancer. Greg and Earl have been friends since grade school. Their common interest was movies, not just watching all kinds of different genres, but also attempting to make low budget spin offs in their spare time. At the heart of the story is the idea of truly getting to know someone. Not just getting to know the cover they put up for the rest of the world to see. It would be EXTREMELY difficult to sit through this film and not get choked up…..and if you are prone to cry when you go to the movies …..well then you better bring two boxes of Kleenex.

3.5 Jaws out of 4! – Ry The Movie Guy