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Reviewed: Stillwater, Jungle Cruise
Trivia: Jungle/Cruise Movie Trivia
Celebrating This Month: Adam Driver
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In celebration of his new podcast Shaken Not Heard (a James Bond fancast), Chicago’s Clark Kent, Chicago’s Geek King, Elliott Serrano is BACK on CinemaJaw after far too long. You may know Elliott’s name from his comic book writing on titles like Army of Darkness: Ash Saves Obama, Grumpy Cat or Homies, or from his days as a regular contributor at The Red Eye Chicago.

With a regular Indiana Jones kind of guest, we need an adventure…

This week we are reviewing the family adventure film from Disney, Jungle Cruises along with the somewhat controversial new Matt Damon vehicle, Stillwater. We discuss what makes a good family adventure film, and rank our Top 3 Matt Damon Performances.

Get in this boat and put on your live preservers!

Top 3 Matt Damon Roles

3.) The Martian
2.) The Talented Mr. Ripley
1.) Good Will Hunting

3.) Ford Vs. Ferrari
2.) The Bourne Identity
1.) Dogma

3.) The Departed
2.) True Grit
1.) Rounders

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