Reviewed: 1917
CinemaWAR 2000: Better Nic Cage movie from Y2K, Gone in 60 Seconds or Family Man?
Trivia: Bad Movie Trivia
Sponsored by: Overcast
Welcome to our first episode reocrded in 2020! Award season is in full swing, and CinemaJaw is pouring back over what was a banner year in film. This week, we break down what were the best performances of 2019 (both male and female) and there were a bevy!
Joining us is none other than, fellow Chicago based film critic from Keeping-It-Reel.com, David J. Fowlie! In between writing reviews, he’s also slaving away at the drawing table, working on (and wrestling with) on-going illustration projects. Check out his reviews, interviews, art and general musings on his Twitter.
Hope those resolutions are holding strong! Welcome to another (hopefully) great year in film. Happy New Year!
Top 5 Climactic Scenes
5. Jonathon Majors “Last Black Man in San Francisco”
4. Eddie Murphy “Dolemite is My Name”
3. Scarlett Johansson “Jojo Rabbit”
2. Adam Driver “Marriage Story”
1. Joaquin Phoenix “Joker”
5.Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir “Woman at War”
4. Julianne Moore “Gloria Bell”
3. Lupita Nygong’o “Us”
2. Kang-Ho Song “Parasite”
1. Aisling Franciosi “The Nightingale”
5. Kelvin Harrison Jr. “Luce”
4.Taylor Russell “Waves”
3. Shia Labeouf “Honey Boy”
2. Saoirse Ronan “Little Women”
1. Aisling Franciosi “The Nightingale”