Reviewed: Zombieland Double Tap
I for an I: Paradise Hills
Trivia: “Land” Movie Trivia
Sponsored by: Backblaze
Red and orange leaves swirl about in a damp wind as you duck eggs and shaving cream. The sound of candy dropping into pillow cases one tootsie roll at a time fills the air and barely muffles distant screams. Zombies, skelletons and slimes stalk the avenues begging for treats. It’s time for Halloween once again! It’s time for HORROR!
This year in keeping with our tradition, we make the annual trek down dark, dark Murder Road (yes… it’s real) to the actually-haunted-for-real grounds of the world class haunded-for-fun attraction Hell’s Gate. After braving the haunted woods, and dealing with the creeps and ghouls inside the mansion we are lead to a back room torture chamber… (*cough) I mean office, and await our guest…
Joining us for what may be his double digit debut is none other than the proprietor of Hell’s Gate and Statesville Haunted Prison, the leader of the Zombie Army… John LaFlamboy!
John and the boys review Zombieland Double Tap, as well as create thier own curated lists of the Best Horror Heroes ever.
Lock your doors, and bar the windows. Creatures are now on the prowl, it’s not safe outside! Tuck in, under the covers – earbuds in for the CinemaJaw Halloween Special!
Top 5 Horror Heroes
5.) Bub the Zombie
4.) Sam Loomis
3.) Tangina Barrons
2.) Ben (Night of the Living Dead)
1.) Ellen Ripley
5.) Ellen Ripley
4.) Shaun (Shaun of the Dead)
3.) Quint (Jaws)
2.) Laurie Strode
1.) Ash Williams
5.) Chief Brody
4.) RJ MacReady
3.) Frank Bannister
2.) Sidney Prescott
1.) Clarice Starling