Reviewed this episode: The Predator, Mandy
I for an I (Interested or Ignore): The House With a Clock In Its Walls
Trivia: Clock Movie Trivia
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Lights… Camera… Revolution! There’s nothing like a good turn, to keep things fresh. Revolution can mean something violent and destructive, but just as often it is the rise of something creative and peaceful. One thing all revolutions have in common is that they are all fantastic fodder for film! This week on CinemaJaw we get radical as we cover our Top 5 Revolution Movies… and as you will see, we took some liberties with the definition. Frankly, why wouldn’t we?
I just want to add that potentially more than any other episode, this was a queue filler for me (Matt K.). Tons of great movie suggestions here, so bust out your notebook, you’ll want to write these down!
Joining us (and completing the set of this terrific duo) is Suki Hawley. Filmmakers Suki Hawley and he partner Michael Galinsky have been collaborating for almost 20 years. Together, they released documentaries like Who Took Johnny, Battle for Brooklyn (short-listed for the Academy Award in 2012), All The Rage, plus a few others. The duo has a narrative film or two under their belts as well. Their latest film is called Working In Protest (thus our topic this week) spans 30 years of American protests caught on tape and on film by these documentarians. It is amazing how much light this time capsule of a film sheds.
Join the Revolution and listen to this CinemaJaw!
Top 5 Revolution Movies:
5.) I am Cuba
4.) Bus 174
3.) Out of the Blue
2.) Breaking Away
1.) Over The Edge
5.) Revolution OS
4.) 1776
3.) They Live
2.) Ghandi
1.) V for Vendetta
5.) Dr. Zhivago
4.) The Chicago 10
3.) Hunger
2.) The Lives of Others
1.) Persepolis