Reviewed this episode: I, Tonya
(I for an I) Interested or Ignore: Maze Runner The Death Cure
Trivia: Run Movie Trivia
CinemaWAR: Which annoying movie neighbor would you rather be stuck with – Louis Tully from Ghostbusters or Sid from Toy Story?
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Backpacks stuffed with homemade gadgets, magic wands, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. These are the things you take with you on Kid Adventures. Perhaps it’s the wonder of a youthful point of view that can make these explorations seem so epic and important. One thing is for sure this is a wide film genre with plenty of entries. Matt and Ry don their slick-shoes and pinchers of power and go down into the tunnels to unearth the hidden treasures within.
Joining Team ‘Jaw are a pair of dudes, an actor and director team (one of whom is the youngest CinemaJaw guest to date), Justin Zimmerman & Kian Doughty. The simplest of elevator pitches is this: Filmmaker and comic book creator Justin Zimmerman teams up with his twelve-year-old neighbor Kian Doughty and creature effects genius Chris Walas (Gremlins, The Fly) to create a 5-minute horror film set in their basements and garages. Trust me, anything Zimmerman is involved in is something you should be interested in. Currently, the team is running a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for post-production.
So follow the map and bring your luck dragon! It’s time for an adventure in podcasting!