Reviewed this episode: Suburbicon
(I for an I) Interested or Ignore: Thor Ragnarok
Trivia: Thor Cast Movie Trivia
No CinemaWAR this week, instead: An Interview with John Carpenter
Sponsored by: Cards Against Humanity
What lurks beneath is an ancient fear. Under our feet, the dead, the waste, the hidden tunnels, treasures, secrets… The Unknown. Many adventures, horrors, comedies, and science fictions take place in the world below. This week on CinemaJaw we go movie spelunking as we dig up our Top 5 Films Set Underground.
Joining us is the perfect guest for the occasion! Bryan Wendorf, Programmer, Artistic Director and Co-founder of the Chicago Underground Film Festival (see what we did there?). The great Roger Ebert has this to say of CUFF – “What you get for your money is not just admission to the films but admission to a subculture”, and he could not be more spot on. Now in its 25th year, it is the longest running underground film festival in the world, is an internationally recognized program providing a venue for documentary, experimental and avant-garde narrative film and video. Plus Bryan has an impeccable fashion sense.
As if that wasn’t enough. There was an extra special treat in our Halloween goodie bags this morning. Like a King Sized candy bar that you weren’t expecting… Our good friends at Riot Fest arranged a very timely interview with The Master of Horror himself, John Carpenter! Take a listen to the interview, and please be sure to read the article on Riotfest.org!
Be sure to brush your teeth after all that ear candy!