In episodes, Special Guests

Reviewed This Episode: Jurassic World, Inside Out
Interested or Ignore: Ted 2
Trivia: Talking Animal Movie Trivia 

CinemaWAR: Is Bryce Dallas Howard a leading lady now after Jurassic World?
Sponsored by: Moviepass

Magical memories are made inside the movie palaces. Perhaps your first kiss, or the first time it dawned on you that movies were more than some fleeting entertainment, “this is art”…

Most likely it was that kiss though.


This week on CinemaJaw we are joined by movie critic and Chicago RedEye writer, Matt Pais. Matt is a very busy guy! In addition to the aforementioned, he covers movies and oversees RedEye’s music coverage, both local and national, not to mention seeing 2 films a day! Whew!

So enjoy our talk with Matt Pais. It was a very good and funny one! Listen:

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