Reviewed This Episode: Divergent, Mr. Peabody and Sherman
I for an I: Noah
Trivia: Kate Winslet Ashley Judd Movie Trivia
CinemaWAR: Should Darren Aronofsky direct blockbusters or stick to the arthouse?
Sparkling vampires, boy wizards, tom boys who are great at archery. These are the images that spring to mind when the subject of Young Adult Novel Adaptations gets brought up. But perhaps one my plumb a little deeper to get at the truly good stuff. Not that the aforementioned aren’t good, but we are seeking the gems. So this week on CinemaJaw we explore exactly that.
Returning for his third appearance on The ‘Jaw is none other than our go – to guy and fellow podcaster, host of One Shot, James D’Amato. James is a hilarious golden voiced champion of nerdery and geekdom at large and his voracious appetite for film closely rivals that of Matt K. And Ry the Movie Guy.
This episode is bursting at the seams with laugh out loud moments. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it!
Special thanks to James for hosting us and guest engineering.