In episodes, In Depth, Multiple Guests, Special Guests


This week on CinemaJaw we go In-Depth on Mr. Batnipples himself, George Clooney. To be serious, this guys has become a Hollywood powerhouse as an actor, director, and producer. Matt and Ry take a close look at his Best, Worst and Most Underrated films, and discuss his career in general.

Later in the episode the Flaming Dames, who were practicing for the big 100th Episode Extravaganza join us to has out a CinemaWAR and take on Matt K in trivia! All that plus, Hollywood headlines, I for an I, and a whole lot more.

Batnipples. I just like saying it.

I for an I: The Woman in Black
Reviewed This Episode: The Iron Lady, 50/50, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop
Sponsor: Want to see unlimited movies at the theaters for one low price? You need MoviePass! Make sure to use promo code “CinemaJaw”  for $15 off!

Come and meet Matt K. and Ry the Movie Guy at the CinemaJaw 100th Episode Extravaganza!Jan 31st, 8pm at the Original Mothers!

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