Reviewed: A Haunting in Venice
Trivia: Michelle Yeoh Trivia – Stump the Kubinski
Celebrating This Month: Michelle Yeoh
Fight the system! Than make movies about it!
This week on CinemaJaw we concentrate on movies about Fighting the system. First with our Guest Dan Stewart.
Dan, a filmmaker whose first feature Local Band, is currently making the festival circuit and picking up some buzz! The film portrays a band’s trials, tribulations, successes, and failures trying to make something happen in the Chicago DIY Punk Scene. the cast is a veritable who’s who of the aforementioned scene featuring several musical performances by actual Chicago rock acts. Fighting the system of what we are supposed to do as we enter our 30s is a key theme to the film so fits in perfectly, and Dan’s career will certainly be one to keep an eye on!
In addition, we bring you our review of another “fighting the System” movie, Dumb Money which tells the tale of the GameStop short squeeze class warfare between the Wall Street haves and have-nots. It stars Paul Dano, Seth Rogan and a great supporting cast. Have a listen to get our opinion.
Not too mention our Top 5 Fighting the System Movies lists!
Its a jam-packed ‘Jaw as always!!!
Top 5 Fighting the System Movies
- V for Vendetta
- fight club
- Rock N Roll School
- Logans Run
- Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
Dan Stewart:
- Donny Darko
- Rocky
- Rushmore
- The King of Kong
- Ocean’s 11
Ry The Movie Guy:
- Snow Piercer
- The Constant Gardener
- How To Blow Up A Pipeline
- Persepolis
- Into the Wild
A special reminder to JawHeads: Check out Pfil’s Pancakes and Booze art show!