Reviewed this episode: Spider-Man Far From Home, Midsommar
Trivia: Spider-Man: Far From Home “Cast” Trivia
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Greetings True Believers and happy 4th of July time! Spider-Man is rather unique among his superhero peers. He is a teenager (in most incarnations), he’s got money problems, girl trouble, and most of life’s all-too-common issues that plague the poor dude. It is precisely these foibles that give the character a depth and a street-level relatability that has, no doubt, contributed to his long-lasting popularity. This week on CinemaJaw, in honor of Spidey’s latest call to action on the silver screen, we take a look back at the character’s 15+ year history in film. Time for our best Stan Lee impersonations as we swing into action, thwipping out our Top 5 Spider-Man scenes! Excelsior!
Joining us is a superhero in his own right! Plus what could be more summery than talking about Movies in the Parks? Jon Ravenscroft is a government employee with a pretty cool job. At the Chicago Park District, Jon coordinates and oversees the Movies in the Parks program, bringing about multiple-hundreds of movies to multiple-hundreds of parks every summer. For the several years, he’s upped the ante by bringing local films and Chicago filmmakers onboard with the Chicago Onscreen Local Film Showcase. Chicago Onscreen focuses in on locally-made and Chicago-centric independent films, giving Chicagoans a chance to experience work from the city’s amazing filmmaking community outdoors, for free. As the Creative Director of Chicago Onscreen, Jon loves using these screenings to connect local film fans with local filmmakers and to show off the Chicago-style stories and characters that make the city so amazing. Exactly like Spider-Man does for New York!
No need to wear the mask, we all know your secret identity here. Relax, make sure your web fluid is filled up and pop in your earbuds…. Time for another exciting episode of… CinemaJaw!
Top 5 Spider-Man Scenes
5.) Blitzkrieg Bop – Spider-Man Homecoming
4.) Doc Oc Wakes Up – Spider-Man 2
3.) The Break In – Into the Spiderverse
2.) Deleted Scene – Spider-Man
1.) Underoos – Civil War
5.) “I’m trying to save you” – Spider-Man Homecoming
4.) The Bite – Into the Spiderverse
3.) Stopping The Train – Spider-Man 2
2.) Seeing New Senses – Spider-Man
1.) “Leap of Faith” – Into the Spiderverse
5.) Prowler Discovery – Into the Spiderverse
4.) Spider Kiss – Spider-Man
3.) The Car Ride – Spider-Man Homecoming
2.) The Reveal – Spider-Man 2
1.) Gwen Stacey’s Death- Spider-Man 2