Reviewed this episode: War Machine
(I for an I) Interested or Ignore: Baby Driver
Trivia: Drive Movie Trivia
CinemaWAR: Do studios have the right to alter a directors vision after they have been hired?
Sponsored by: Cards Against Humanity
Brad Pitt has been a staple at the movies for a very long time. In fact, way back in 2011 we did our “In Depth” episode on the leading man. A lot has changed since then for Brad, the world, his career, his personal life, and you know… everything. This week on CinemaJaw we reexamine Brad, as we choose our Top 3 Brad Pitt Scenes.
Joining us is a voice you may be familiar with.
Lauren O’Neil is a badass. Originally from Palm Harbor FL, she started in radio in 2000 at Rock 104 WRUF in Gainesville. There, she worked through the ranks, hosted a weekly local concert series, produced commercials, and hosted and produced on-air shows. Several years ago she made the move to colder climes and relocated to Chicago! Lauren has become a treasure here on the airwaves, and a staple in the Chicago indie and rock music scene. Today you can hear her middays on 101WKQX, which is a legendary frequency here in Chicago. Lauren is rock radio! Her enthusiasm for music rivals that of ours for film, so tune in over the air, or over the internet.
Lauren helps us choose our favorite Brad Pitt scenes. Have a listen, and let us know if we missed any.