Reviewed this episode: August Osage County, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Cleanflix, Blackfish
I for an I: 47 Ronin
Trivia: 2013 Movie Trivia
CinemaWAR: Which set of sibling directors is better, The Farrelly Bros or the Wachowskis?
Out with the old, in with the new!
2013 is over. That means it is the time for reflection. This week on the ‘Jaw, we take a look back at the greatest films of the preceding year and it was a doozy!
Joining us for our annual recap is Chicago Film Critics Association VP, Contributor for RogerEbert.com Brian Tallerico. This guys credits go on and on! He also writes about television, film, video games, Blu-ray/DVD and entertainment news. He is Content Director for HollywoodChicago.com, Editor of Magill’s Cinema Annual, and freelances for Film Threat, FearNet, and more. You can follow him on Twitter @Brian_Tallerico, and boy lemme tell ya, it’s a good feed to follow.
In addition to the year in review, we play some trivia, spout some reviews, and all the usual nonsense.
here’s to a great year for film, and a great year for CinemaJaw!