Reviewed this episode: Gravity
I for an I: Carie, 12 Years a Slave
Trivia: Year Movie Trivia
CinemaWAR: Is Tom Hanks still as Big as he once was?
Just the two of us. You and I
Dynamic Duos are everywhere in film. From Comedy to Horror to Romance and more, they span every genre. Tenor and bass, chocolate and vanilla, serious and zany, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. It’s just plain physics. Everyone needs someone to play against, just like Matt K and Ry The Movie Guy, our very own Felix and Oscar. That is why this week on CinemaJaw we are delving into the dichotomy and harmony of great On-Screen Duo’s. Mind you, these are the actors on screen, and not an actor/director pairing, which is a whole other episode.
Joining us for this binocular view is another Batman and Robin filmmaking pair: Dorian and Brant of the upcoming thriller Chicago Rot. D & B were kind enough to host this week’s recording at their appropriately named work-space, the legendary Rot Shop here in Chicago. the space is exactly what you might imagine as a workshop for horror effects and set design, but just to paint the picture have a look at these shots by Eliaz. It was a pleasure to record there and we thank Dorian and Brant for hosting us!
In addition to our Top 5 Duos, we will be hitting all the usual, I for an I, CinemaWAR and a whole lot more. This is an epic episode with twice the thrills! Enjoy!