All you need is love.
Love. Love is what brings us here today. A challenging love at that. As the age old adage goes, behind every great person is another. This week on CinemaJaw we take a look at Superhero Love Interests. These are the women (and men) who stand pillar like in support of the hero. They may or may not have powers of thier own, but they face the struggles both within the relationship and without. No great story is complete without a love, and these are the super ones.
Joining us is CinemaJaw’s own Superman, marking his 6th official appearance as guest, Mr. Charles Klein. Fresh off the set of his latest film our Chuck is promoting his upcoming premier and the upcoming Indie Incubator Film Fest! Also he knows a thing or two about superheroes and uses his X ray vision to see to the heart of this topic.
In addition to that we have all the usual side kicks: I for an I, Movie Trivia, CinemaWAR and a whole lot more. So wring out your tights and wear your underwear on the outside. It’s time to get super duper!
Reviewed this episode: Oz The Great and Powerful, Stone Cold Steve Austin The Bottom Line, Everything or Nothing, Liberal Arts, End of Watch
I for an I: The Place Beyond The Pines
Trivia: Tournament Movie Trivia