In episodes, Flyin' Solo, review-o-rama

Reviewed: 65, Champions, The Boston Strangler
Trivia: Boston Movies Stump The Kubinski
Celebrating This Month: Willem Dafoe
Sponsored by: Cracking the Code

Three fine reviews this week, only one movie shy of a “Review-o-Rama”: Adam Driver fighting dinos in 65, Woody Harrelson as a washed-up coach in Champions, and Keira Knightly as a would-be detective in The Boston Strangler.

Plus the guys take the opportunity to tackle a very difficult Top List… Top 3 Dinosaur Movies that Don’t Have Jurrasic in the Title. Suprisingly difficult!

Plug this into your ears!

Top 3 Non-Jurassic Dinosaur Movies

3.) Peter Jackson’s King Kong
2.) The Veloci-pastor
1.) Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend

3.) Dinosaur
2.) Toy Story (Series)
1.) The Tree of Life

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