Reviewed This Episode: Unbroken Glass, The 13th
(I for an I) Interested or Ignore: Doctor Strange
Trivia: Doctor Movie Trivia
CinemaWAR: Which will be the bigger hit in 2017 – Logan or Guardians of the Galaxy 2?
Sponsored by: Cards Against Humanity, Westworld FM, K&N Airfilters, Chicago Podcast Festival
It would seem that family is a topic that one doesn’t need to discover. The very word, familiar, means that one knows, has knowledge of, etc. However sometimes that people we call family, can have an inner life that is completely unknown to us, and catching glimpses of that we come to recognize that they are actually strangers.
This week on CinemaJaw we strengthen bonds as we scour filmography for our favorite Family Discovery Movies.
Joining us is a man who knows a thing or two about the subject. Dinesh Sabu is a filmmaker for the prestigious Documentary house Kartemquin Films. He was first mentioned to us way back in a print interview with Beckie Stocchetti in 2013, and again recently by Kartemquin for his upcoming premiere of Unbroken Glass at the ArcLight here in Chicago. The Kartemquin Fall Festival will be held November 2-4, in partnership with ArcLight Cinemas Chicago in Lincoln Park, Kartemquin presents a three night festival to cap off its 50th Anniversary year, featuring groundbreaking work emerging from its filmmaker development programs. You should all get tickets and go!
On your way – listen to this podcast!