In episodes, Special Guests

Reviewed: The Watchers
Top 5: Horror Directed by Women
Trivia: Being Watched Movie Trivia
CinemaWAR: Who is the better Fanning Sister, Elle or Dakota?
Celebrating This Month: Kevin Costner

On this CinemaJaw we take a look at the dark side as we examine our Top 5 Horror Movies Directed by Women! We are doing this in honor of both our guest and our review.

Joining us is a fellow critic and friend of the show Cati Glidewell. Cati is a lifelong cinephile and has a particular taste for horror! Needless to say she’s the perfect guest for the episode.

In addition, Kevin Costner month continues, we review the directorial debut from Ishana Night Shaymalan, entitled The Watchers, as well as our aforementioned Top 5 Horror Movies Directed By Women. PLUS we dust off the old CinemaWAR segment and have a debate over which is the better Fanning sister, Elle or Dakota!

It’s a jam-packed Jaw as always!

Top 5 Horror Movies Directed by Women


  1. American Psycho – Mary Haron
  2. The Babadook – Jennifer Kent
  3. Pet Semetary – Mary Lambert
  4. Relic – Natalie Erika James
  5. Totally Killer – Nahnatchka Khan



1Near Dark Kathryn Bigelow
2 American Psycho Mary Harron
3 Ravenous Antonia Bird
4 Pet Sematary Mary Lambert
5 The Slumber Party Massacre series

1 Tigers Are Not Afraid- Issa Lopez
2 The Invitation- Karyn Kusama
3 Candyman- Nia DaCosta
4 Fresh – Mimi Cave
5 We Need to Talk About Kevin – Lynne Ramsay

Honorable mention

Laura Moss-Birth/rebirth
Emily Bennett-Alone with You
Chloe Okuno-Watcher
Jennifer Kent-The Babbadook
Julia Ducournau- Titane and Raw
Lisa Ovies- Puppet Killer


  1. Titane
  2. St. Maud
  3. The First Omen
  4. Fear Street
  5. Good Night Mommy

A special reminder to JawHeads: Check out KP at Pancakes & Booze at Reggie’s in Chicago, on June 29th!

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