In episodes, Flyin' Solo

Reviewed: Snow White, The Electric State
CinemaWAR: Are The Russo Brothers Over-rated?
Guest: Solo
Celebrating This Month: Cate Blanchett

Disney has done it again and brought one of their classics back from the grave! Except… this re-animated cadaver is doing the “Modern Disney” thing where… it’s actually not even re-ANIMATED. Matt, Ryan and KP were all able to check out Snow White and that’s a review you won’t want to miss!

In addition, Matt and Ryan checked out one of Netflix’s latest – The Electric State! It stars Millie Bobby Brown and Chris Pratt, and is directed by none other than the Russo Brothers. 

What’s more – we’re dusting off our battle axes and re-animating a segment of our own (see, you’re not the only one’s who can do that Disney). This episode marks the triumphant return of: CinemaWAR! The boys fight over how good the Russo Bros really are, and they leave the final call in Mama KP’s… capable… hands. 

It’s jam-packed! It’s always jam-packed. You people know this by now! We know you’re gonna love it.

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