In Best/Worst, episodes, Flyin' Solo

Reviewed: I Saw The TV Glow, Back to Black
Best/Worst: Viggo Mortensen Movies, Musician Biopics, Teen Angst Horror
Trivia: Viggo Mortensen Movie Trivia- Stump the Kubinski
Celebrating This Month: Viggo Mortensen

On this episode of CinemaJaw, we dip into the nostalgia supply with a look at a surreal horror that tackles 90’s kids TV (and MANY other themes) through a dark and twisted lense, I Saw The TV Glow. As long as we are traveling through time, we scheduled another stop in the more recent past with our review of the new Amy Winehouse biopic, Back To Black. It’s a double feature day on CinemaJaw!

In lieu of the usual Top 5 list, we dist off the Best/Worst segment and take a look at the tops and flops in three categories: Viggo Mortensen, Musician Biopics and Teen Angst Horror.

It’s a jam-packed Jaw as always!

Best / Worst


  1. Viggo Mortensen Movies
    1. BEST – The Fellowship – A History of Violence
    2. Worst – Dont Have one
  2. Musician Biopics
    1. BEST – The Doors
    2. Worst – Rocketman
  3. Teen Agnst Horror
    1. BEST – The Lost Boys – Christine – Donnie Darko
    2. Worst – The Craft


  1. Viggo Mortensen Movies:
    1. Best: Eastern Promises
    2. Worst: 28 Days
  2. Musician Biopics
    1. Best: Love and Mercy
    2. Worst: Beyond the Sea
  3. Teen Angst Horror
    1. Best: Ginger Snaps
    2. Worst: Wish Upon

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