In episodes, Flyin' Solo, Jaw Retrospectives, New Segments, Special Guests

(in our best Conan O’brien voice)
In the year two-thousand…. In the year two-thousand!

in the year 2000…..

Welcome to the first ever Jaw Retrospective, an new type of episode! In these Retrospectives we will take a look at one particular year of cinema, and what better year to start with than Y2K?! Matt and Ry the Movie Guy pick their favorite films from the year 2000 and discuss them at length. All that plus Bartender of the Year Janice Deregla joins us for trivia. Plus games, news and more. All the great stuff you’ve come to expect from CinemaJaw! Hur-ah!

I for an I: Due Date, 127 hours, Megamind
Reviewed this episode: Waiting for Superman, Pretators, & more…

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