Reviewed this episode: Shazam!
Interested or Ignore: Hellboy
Trivia: Red Character Movie Trivia
Sponsored by: Cards Against Humanity
Heroes are best when they are unlikely. It makes the heroism all that much more satisfying. When a character in a film reaches deep down inside themselves and plucks the sword from the stone in their heart… It means more when we the audience didn’t see it coming. This week on CinemaJaw we aproach our own claymore in an anvil as we tackle our Top 5 Unlikely Heros in Film.
Joining us are a couple of heroes, themselves, not that unlikely! Al and Linda Lerner are a duo team of film critics who also happen to be husband and wife. On Moviesandshakers.com they post weekly if not nearly daily film critiques, interviews with filmmakers, actors and more, plus the occasional festival coverage. The two each have a deep and varied history in broadcasting, journalism, radio, film and television, and don’t worry… we ask them all about it.
Listen to the ‘Jaw and be a hero yourself!
Top 5 Climactic Scenes
5.) Hitgirl – Kick-Ass
4.) George McFly – Back to the Future
3.) Neville Longbottom – Harry Potter Series
2.) Luke Skywalker – Star Wars Series
1.) Chunk – The Goonies
5.) The Three Amigos – The Three Amigos
4.) Ransom Stoddard – The Man who Shot Liberty Vallance
3.) Sean – Sean of the Dead
2.) Frodo Baggins – Lord of the Rings Series
1.) Seymour – Little Shop of Horrors
5.) Tinman, Scarecrow & Cowardly Lion – The Wizard of Oz
4.) The Ghostbusters – Ghostbusters
3.) Forrest Gump – Forrest Gump
2.) Edward Scissorhands – Edward Scissorhands
1.) Maurice & Bad Ape – War of the Planet of the Apes
5.) Wall-E – Wall-E
4.) Suzane Cooper – Spy
3.) Neville Longbottom – Harry Potter Series
2.) Russell Casse – Independence Day
1.) Sadness – Inside Out