Reviewed this episode: Cold War
Interested or Ignore: Lego Movie 2: The Second Part
CinemaWAR: Which is the better Cold Weather Movie – Fargo or The Shining?
Trivia: Lego Movie Cast Trivia
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We survived the polar vortex and landed in February! Somehow we also made it through the ’80s and saw the end of The Cold War. It was such an interesting and unprecedented time in History. Many, many films are set in this era, today on CinemaJaw we take a look at our favorites.
Matt and Ry are flying solo this week. No guest. We get right into a fresh riddle for February and our lists. No muss, no fuss!
Top 5 Climactic Scenes
5.) The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
4.) Watchmen
3.) War Games
2.) Atomic Blonde
1.) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

5.) Bridge of Spies
4.) Manchurian Candidate (1962)
3.) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
2.) The Lives of Others
1.) Dr. Strangelover