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Trivia: Best Actor Movie Trivia
CinemaWAR: Which prosthetic biopic performance was better – Christian Bale as Chaney or Gary Oldman as Churchill?
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This week on CinemaJaw we continue our 2018 wrap up. This time we take a look at the guys. These are the male leads or supporting roles that we thought were the best in 2018.
Joining us for this manly discussion is Don Shanahan. Don is the creator/founder/blogger of Every Movie Has a Lesson. Don is a middle school teacher who is a regular credentialed member of the Chicago press pool of film critics. With his background in education, Don writes with the goal of teaching life lessons, from the serious to the farcical, found within every film. On Feelin’ Film, he contributes “What We Learned This Week,” a weekly blog putting life lessons to current releases and movie trends and occasionally guests on podcasts. He is one of the founders of the CIFCC and is also a member of the Online Film Critics Society.
So sit back and relax, strike an Al Bundy pose on your couch. It’s time for the guys of 2018!!
Top 5 Male Performances in Film 2018
5.) Sam Elliot – A Star is Born
4.) Michael B Jordan – Black Panther
3.) Joaquin Phoenix – Were You Never Really Here
2.) Richard E Grant – Can You Ever Forgive Me
1.) Nicolas Cage – Mandy
5.) Jesse Plemons – Game Night
4.) Timothee Chalamet – Beautiful Boy
3.) Hugh Grant – Paddington 2
2.) Nick Offerman – Hearts Beat Loud
1.) John Cho – Searching
5.) Hugh Grant – Paddington 2
4.) Brady Jandreau – The rider
3.) Stephan James – If Beale Street Could Talk
2.) Ethan Hawke – FIrst reformed
1.) Ryan Gosling – First Man