Reviewed this episode: Okja, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
(I for an I) Interested or Ignore: The Dark Tower
CinemaWAR: New Bond movie slated for 2019. Should Daniel Craig hang up his martinis or is he still shaken not stirred and perfect for the role?
Trivia: City Movie Trivia
Sponsored by: Cards Against Humanity
Stephen King is a prolific American novelist if ever there was one. Many of his books have made their way to the silver screen, and some are among the best films ever made. Horror, Drama, Sci-Fi, even Dark Comedy have been among the many genres he has treated. With the Dark Tower series finally getting its long awaited debut, we decided it was high time to take a look at the King films and pick our favorite Stephen King Adaptations.
Joining us is a man who is no misery to be around. Jon Ravenscroft is a government employee with a pretty cool job. (Yes, that’s a thing.) At the Chicago Park District, Jon coordinates and oversees the Movies in the Parks program, bringing about 250 movies to more than 175 parks every summer. For the last four years, he’s upped the ante by bringing local films and Chicago filmmakers on board with the Chicago Onscreen Local Film Showcase. Chicago Onscreen focuses in on locally-made and Chicago-centric independent films, giving Chicagoans a chance to experience work from the city’s amazing filmmaking community outdoors, for free. As the Creative Director of Chicago Onscreen, Jon loves using these screenings to connect local film fans with local filmmakers and to show off the Chicago-style stories and characters that make the city so amazing. If you’re a Chicago JawHead, don’t miss it. If you are listening from another part of the world, then get this going in your town!
But before you do, put on some bug spray, and listen to this podcast!