Reviewed this episode: Personal Shopper
(I for an I) Interested or Ignore: Ghost in the Shell
Trivia: Ghost Movie Trivia
CinemaWAR: Should the Wachowskis be involved with the new Matrix efforts?
Sponsored by: Cards Against Humanity, K&N Airfilters
Seems we are on a bit of an animation kick lately at CinemaJaw. It’s easy to dismiss the artform as kiddie fare, or at best “something for the whole family to enjoy”, however there are many entries in Animation that are decidedly for adults! Deep and grown up themes, imagery and subject matter do exist in animation, and this week on the show we choose our top 3 in the space.
Speaking of space… and speaking of animation: We are joined this week by two young filmmakers who wrote and animated a Douglasesque space romp called L.I.P.S. The League of Interplanetary Process Servers’ finest agent attempts to deliver 30 subpoenas throughout the universe in ten minutes, and Mike Cheslik & Ryland Tews are the Director/Animator and Writer/Actor respectively. They are perfectly poised to help us choose our favorite Grown Up Animations. We highly recommend you check out their work, and embedded a trailer to L.I.P.S. below!