Reviewed This Episode: Jupiter Ascending, Spongebob Squarepants: Sponge Out of Water
Trivia: in honor of Fifty Shades of Grey: Color Movie Trivia
Interested or Ignore: Hot Tub Time Machine 2
CinemaWAR: Which SNL cast member has had a more successful career: Eddie Murphy or Bill Murray?
Sponsored by: Kru85PR, Nominal Buys, 26 Finley Street, Airkii, The Content Champion Podcast with Loz James, Afterpartypal
For 40 years Saturday Night Live has been making us laugh, and making stars out of it’s cast members. Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Chevy Chase…. I could go on and on, because after 40 years, the list is quite long. This weekend SNL (as it has been shortened) is celebrating it’s “SNL40th” with a three hour long special in which many past favorites sketches, musical guests and cast members are scheduled to make an appearance. It’s sure to be a riot!
In honor of the above, CinemaJaw is counting down our favorite SNL movies.
Joining us is another young actor who star is on the rise, Vinicius Machado. Vinicius was recently in the 50 Cent fronted series POWER on STARZ, and also is a voice in the popular video game LA Noir. He has been hailed by Directors as “versatile with money-making looks” and is sought after today as a valuable talent around the world. Also, He has also been compared to a younger Antonio Banderas with Orlando Bloom looks (just like Matt & Ry… wink, wink).
We are happy to have Vinicius’ perspective on the SNL films, and he joins us for a CinemaWAR, a round of Trivia, I for an I and all of your favorite bits of CinemaJaw.
If this podcast goes on for 40 years, he will certainly be among the guests we invite back!