Reviewed this episode: Fantastic Beasts The Crimes of Grindelwald, Ralph Breaks the Internet
I for an I (Interested or Ignore): Creed 2
Trivia: Rocky Cast Movie Trivia
Sponsored by: Cards Against Humanity
One of the good things about all the recent advancements in CGI, is that we have gotten to see many more fantastic beasts. I won’t pretend it’s all good, but there have been some amazing examples! This week on CinemaJaw we put on our Beastmaster cos-play as we cover our Top 5 Fantastic Beasts in Film.
Joining us is a man who is a beast of a filmmaker! Mike Raspatello is a festival founder turned filmmaker with his documentary entitled (wait for it…) Festival: A Documentary. It is a fantastic look behind the scenes and behind the fans of a few of the major music festivals that dot the landscape. Honesty, Michael may just be the most qualified person to bring this viewpoint to the fore. I highly recommend festival fans, musicians, and fans of documentary check this one out!
So grab your cages, traps, and bait, we are hunting some fantastic beasts!
Top 5 Fantastic Beasts in Film
5.) Okja (Okja)
4.) Wild Things (Where the Wild Things Are)
3.) Unicorn (The Last Unicorn)
2.) Teen Wolf (Teen Wolf)
1.) Pegasus (Clash of the Titans)
5.) Shrek (Shrek)
4.) Falcor (Never-ending Story)
3.) Liger (Napoleon Dynamite)
2.) Elliot (Pete’s Dragon)
1.) Harry (Harry & The Hendersons)
5.) Beast (Beauty & the Beast 2017)
4.) Smaug (Desolation of Smaug)
3.) White Apes (John Carter)
2.) Screaming Bear (Annihilation)
1.) Wampa (Empire Strikes Back)
Wampa Link
A special reminder to JawHeads: Check out Pfil’s YouTube Channel called Art’s Cliffhouse.