Reviewed this episode: Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom
Interested or Ignore (I for an I): Sicario Day of the Soldado
Trivia: Brolin/Del Toro Movie Trivia
CinemaWAR: Is Chris Pratt’s 15 minutes outside the MCU nearly up?
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A border is a line, a clear delineation between one thing and another, between one place and another, between one frame of mind and another. Border is a word that has been in the news an awful lot lately. This week, in honor of Sicario 2, we take a look at our favorite Border Movies, with literal and figurative interpretations.
Joining us is a fellow critic, the author and creator of EmansMovieReviews.com, and one of the directors of our beloved Chicago Independent Film Critic’s Circle, Emmanuel “Eman” Noisette! You can find his written reviews and articles on other publications such as TheMovieBlog.com and Geeks World Wide. He’s accumulated almost 70K social media followers online, and you’re definitely encouraged to subscribe to his YouTube Channel and follow his Facebook Fan Page . About time we had Eman on the show!
Special note: Junior JawHead, and kid correspondent, Parker “Pitchman” Kubinski was also in the house. SHOUT OUT to Parker!
Top 5 Border Movies
5.) From Dusk till Dawn
4.) Panic Room
3.) No Country for Old Men
2.) Traffic
1.) Dunkirk
5.) Escape from LA
4.) 12 Years of Slave
3.) The Matrix
2.) Constantine
1.) Logan
5.) Three Barrials
4.) Monsters
3.) American Made
2.) The Sound of Music
1.) Babble
A special reminder to JawHeads: Check out Pfil’s YouTube Channel called Art’s Cliffhouse.